
Our Story:

In 2018, a young first grader struggled more than what their parents thought was reasonable. This first grader put forth so much effort, but nothing ever stuck. The school attempted to support those needs with the limited available resources at the time. For several years, the result was a recurring pattern of more questions without answers. That is, until 2019 when they stumbled upon a learning center dedicated to those with dyslexia. This center offered screenings, advice, counseling, and training.  This was the day that changed everything. Not only did the parents find answers for their child's struggles, but they also found a future that they never knew they needed.

In 2020, I chose the opportunity of a lifetime to attend a training course as a Literacy Intervention Specialist. With over 15 years of experience in classrooms from kindergarten through twelfth grade, I have dedicated years to learning the art of teaching. In all of those years, not once had I experienced the true learning that I had gained from this intensive professional development. Before the two weeks of training were up, I had dedicated myself and my career as an educator to provide services to students throughout Southwest Kansas. 

The following services are available by appointment:

  • Diagnostic-Level Screening Consultations 
  • Structured Literacy Interventions
  • Dyslexia Therapy

To the best of my ability as an educator, I embed as many foundational aspects in every therapy experience. I believe that every child deserves to have confidence in their ability to learn and in their ability to learn to read.

Mission & Values

At The Confident Approach LLC, we strive to develop confidence in every student's ability to learn and in their ability to learn to read by embedding reading foundational skills into every intervention therapy experience. Students are encouraged to tap into their inner strengths to navigate their journey in learning to read in a way that empowers them toward academic and social/emotional success.  

We are here to help you succeed to read using a variety of skills and techniques all based on the Science of Reading.

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